
  • Background can be Blue Gradient, Orange Gradient, Illini Blue, Illini Orange, Gray or White
  • Fingerprint is optional - None, full-size, fade-left or fade-right
  • Alignment can be center, right or left
  • Icon is optional. Upload an image. Image size xxx px.
  • Title is required
  • Intro and body is optional
  • Buttons are optional
  • If buttons are used, link text is required


Example below denotes custom fields:

faq icon
Optional intro

Required title

Optional body copy. 


Example below: White background, intro, center alignment, 2 buttons

Register and Enroll

Get started today!

Enroll in a class after you are admitted as a non-degree student.


Example below: Orange gradient, fingerprint fade-right, right alignment, button

Questions about the certificate?

We’re happy to answer any questions to help you create a strong future in animal sciences.


Example below: Illini Blue, fingerprint fade-left, left alignment, icon, intro, button

pen icon

Questions about the certificate?

We’re happy to answer any questions to help you create a strong future in animal sciences.


Example below: Illini Blue, fingerprint fade-left, left alignment, icon, intro, button

faq icon
Need more info?

Questions about the certificate?

We’re happy to answer any questions to help you create a strong future in animal sciences.


Example below: Gray background, no fingerprint, left alignment, intro, button

Can't find what you're looking for?

Contact us

We’re happy to answer any questions to help you create a strong future in animal sciences.


Example below: Illini Orange, fingerprint full-size, center alignment, intro, button

Can't find what you're looking for?

Contact us

We’re happy to answer any questions to help you create a strong future in animal sciences.


Checking link colors on colored backgrounds

Register and Enroll

Get started today!

  1. Register as a non-degree student
  2. Complete the certificate application form.
  3. Enroll in a class after you are admitted as a non-degree student.

You can add buttons to this body section:

default . white-bluewhite-orangeorange . blue

Register and Enroll

Get started today!

  1. Register as a non-degree student
  2. Complete the certificate application form.
  3. Enroll in a class after you are admitted as a non-degree student.

Body style of text. Adding paragraphs or other information can go in this style. It is harder to see on oranges...

You can add buttons to this body section:

default . white-bluewhite-orangeorange . blue

Register and Enroll

Get started today!

  1. Register as a non-degree student
  2. Complete the certificate application form.
  3. Enroll in a class after you are admitted as a non-degree student.

You can add buttons to this body section:

default . white-bluewhite-orangeorange . blue

Register and Enroll

Get started today!

  1. Register as a non-degree student
  2. Complete the certificate application form.
  3. Enroll in a class after you are admitted as a non-degree student.

You can add buttons to this body section:

default . white-bluewhite-orangeorange . blue

Register and Enroll

Get started today!

  1. Register as a non-degree student
  2. Complete the certificate application form.
  3. Enroll in a class after you are admitted as a non-degree student.

Body style of text. Adding paragraphs or other information can go in this style. It is harder to see on oranges...

You can add buttons to this body section:

default . white-bluewhite-orangeorange . blue

Register and Enroll

Get started today!

  1. Register as a non-degree student
  2. Complete the certificate application form.
  3. Enroll in a class after you are admitted as a non-degree student.

You can add buttons to this body section:

default . white-bluewhite-orangeorange . blue