
  • Background can be Blue Gradient, Orange Gradient, Illini Blue, Illini Orange, White or Gray
  • Fingerprint is optional - Full, fade left, fade right
  • Alignment is required - Left, center, right
  • Large and small text are optional
  • Buttons are optional, up to 3
  • If buttons are used, link text is required

Example below denotes custom fields:

Optional large text, text only, no formatting.
Optional small text, text only, no formatting.

Example below: White background, left alignment, small text

As a student in animal sciences, you’ll get your hands dirty.

We believe doing is a big part of learning. That’s why you get so many chances to tackle independent, hands-on research. You’ll have unforgettable, real-world experiences that reinforce your studies and further your career goals.

Example below: White background, left alignment, small text, buttons

Use your love of animals to make the world a better place.

As an animal sciences major, you’ll join a community that’s passionate about helping people and animals. Prepare yourself for a rewarding career, changing the lives of people and animals.

Example below: Gray background, left alignment, large text, small text

Our academic programs include undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees.
We also offer non-degree certificates to empower you to advance your skills no matter what stage you’re in academically or professionally.

Example below: Illini Orange background, full fingerprint, center alignment, large text, small text, buttons

The goal? Change the world.
The Department of Animal Sciences has a global reputation of excellence thanks to the passion and dedication of our faculty and students.

We take pride in our diverse academic programs for undergraduate and graduate students, and our rich history of research and alumni success. Welcome to the Department of Animal Sciences at Illinois!

Example below: Orange gradient background, fingerprint fade left, left alignment, small text

The Department of Animal Sciences enhances the well-being of animals. We further global animal conservation efforts, improve the health of our companion animals, and develop healthy production processes that create sustainable, nutritious food supplies.

Example below: Illini Blue background, fingerprint fade right, center alignment, small text, 3 buttons

The Department of Animal Sciences enhances the well-being of animals. We further global animal conservation efforts, improve the health of our companion animals, and develop healthy production processes that create sustainable, nutritious food supplies.

Example below: Blue gradient background, center alignment, small text, button

The Department of Animal Sciences enhances the well-being of animals. We further global animal conservation efforts, improve the health of our companion animals, and develop healthy production processes that create sustainable, nutritious food supplies.