
  • Format text using headings, lists, buttons, links, table, images. 
  • 2-column layout optional

Example below denotes custom fields:

Optional Section Title

Optional Paragraph Title

Optional body with formatting and image options.

Where can I find academic deadlines?

Visit the Office of the Registrar’s website.

Where can I find forms and petitions?

The ACES Office of Academic Programs has the most up-to-date list of available petitions and forms.

What is a DARS audit (u.Achieve audit) and how can I access it?

A DARS Audit (now called u.Achieve) is an unofficial audit of progress toward your degree that reflects courses you have already taken and courses you have in-progress. This report is extremely important, as it shows which requirements you still need to complete. To access your u.Achieve audit, you must visit the Office of the Registrar’s website. Visit the Office of the Registrar’s website.

How do I complete my foreign language requirement?

For information on what is required, you should visit the General Education Requirements Page. You should take the foreign language placement exam to establish which course you place into, regardless of the language you want to pursue. Results of that exam will determine which sequence you should follow to complete your foreign language requirement.

Spanish is the most common language that students complete here on campus. Students generally take SPAN 122 and then SPAN 103 to fulfill the requirement. SPAN 122 is equivalent to the first two semesters of Spanish. 

Career Possibilities


With a degree in animal sciences, you can turn your passion for animals into a successful career that will match your unique interests. The majority of our graduates continue their education in graduate or professional school, earning credentials to become veterinarians, animal research scientists, nutritionists, pharmaceutical representatives, and attorneys. Others start their careers right after graduation, pursuing animal production, shelter management, humane education, feed sales, equine care, and more. Rewarding career opportunities are available in business, industry, government, education, and research.

Discover some of the amazing careers our alumni have achieved with their animal sciences degree.


Areas of Employment Column 1
  • Animal care and training
  • Animal health
  • Feed and animal nutrition
  • Food animal production and management
  • Human medicine and health services
  • Animal behavior
  • Pet products and services
  • Quality assurance
  • Research veterinary medicine
  • Biomedical research
Specific to ANSC+CS Column 2
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biotechnology
  • Computer programing
  • Data analytics
  • Digital agriculture
  • Environmental science
  • Genomic research
  • Precision animal agriculture
  • Quantitative genetics
  • Remote sensing

Using this as a separator ------


First-year Students

Undergraduate applications are processed through the University Office of Admissions and Records, and the College of ACES Academic Programs Office makes the admission decisions. Freshman admission is based on several factors and it is best to review the following:

Transfer Information

On-Campus Transfer

If you are a current student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and are interested in changing your major to animal sciences, please follow these guidelines:

1. Please schedule a meeting with Katelyn Jones-Hamlow to discuss your future classes and goals. We are happy to help advise our transfer students before officially finishing the paperwork.

2. Consider this checklist to know if you are eligible to transfer:

  • You have completed ANSC 100 (Requirement)
  • You have at least a 2.5 GPA (Requirement)
  • You have spent at least 1 year in your current major (Requirement)
  • You have taken at least 1 chemistry class; CHEM 102 & 103 (Recommendation)
  • You have taken at least 1 math class; MATH 220, 221, or 234 (Recommendation)

3. Be sure to check the ICT processing periods to find out when you should officially apply to transfer. 

4. More information on transferring to animal sciences can be found on the Illinois ICT website


Pet Food Formulation, Regulations, and Market Trends (ANSC 499; 3 credits)

Provides information on the principles of diet formulation, nutritional guidelines and recommendations, regulatory affairs, and recent market trends of the pet food industry.

Course explorer


 The animal sciences ambassadors are a diverse group of students who represent our department to future students, aid and design activities for our current students, and provide student representation to our alumni and guests.

Check out the animal sciences ambassador channel on YouTube to get a taste of what this group does!

Group of smiling students surrounding a black labradoodle pup.




Button Test

Intro paragraph admission is based on several factors and it is best to review the following:

Deadlines Base

Requirements White with Blue

Procedures White with Orange

Solid Orange

Solid Blue

Image float right


testIn an unusual study, researchers brought vampire bats from distant Panamanian populations together for four months in a laboratory setting and tracked how the bats’ gut microbes changed over time. They found that bats that interacted closely with one another shared much more than body heat.

Reported in the journal Biology Letters, the study revealed that the gut microbiomes of bats became more similar the more often they engaged in social behaviors with one another. Such behaviors included huddling together for warmth, grooming themselves and their neighbors, and – in rare cases – sharing food via regurgitation.