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Where can I find academic deadlines?
Visit the Office of the Registrar’s website.
Where can I find forms and petitions?
The ACES Office of Academic Programs has the most up-to-date list of available petitions and forms.
What is a DARS audit (u.Achieve audit) and how can I access it?
A DARS Audit (now called u.Achieve) is an unofficial audit of progress toward your degree that reflects courses you have already taken and courses you have in-progress. This report is extremely important, as it shows which requirements you still need to complete. To access your u.Achieve audit, you must visit the Office of the Registrar’s website. Visit the Office of the Registrar’s website.
How do I complete my foreign language requirement?
For information on what is required, you should visit the General Education Requirements Page. You should take the foreign language placement exam to establish which course you place into, regardless of the language you want to pursue. Results of that exam will determine which sequence you should follow to complete your foreign language requirement.
Spanish is the most common language that students complete here on campus. Students generally take SPAN 122 and then SPAN 103 to fulfill the requirement. SPAN 122 is equivalent to the first two semesters of Spanish.