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Voices of ACES Blog

The Benefits of Studying Abroad

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Have you ever thought about studying abroad? It may be one of the most beneficial experiences for a college student. Why? While studying abroad, you can experience new places and sights, learn about different cultures and languages, and make friends from around the world all while earning credits towards your degree. It will allow you to develop highly valued skills such as global leadership, adaptability, communication, and problem solving. It is also the adventure of a lifetime! ACES students can study abroad as early as the winter break of their first year and are encouraged to...
Voices of ACES Blog

Connecting today with tomorrow through ALEC

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The bridge of agricultural communications between the University of Illinois and prospective ACES students is expanding with The Morrowa new online magazine publication completely student built from the ground up. The Spring 2022 semester saw a new class launched in the Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications (ALEC) program. AGCM 398: Publication Development and Production led by Dr. Owen Roberts,...
Voices of ACES Blog

Connecting today with tomorrow through ALEC 2

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The bridge of agricultural communications between the University of Illinois and prospective ACES students is expanding with The Morrowa new online magazine publication completely student built from the ground up. The Spring 2022 semester saw a new class launched in the Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications (ALEC) program. AGCM 398: Publication Development and Production led by Dr. Owen Roberts,...
Voices of ACES Blog

Learning the role of mobility in discrimination in South Africa

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I, and eight other students, signed up for this journey in hopes of learning more about our perspective careers and the world outside of the University of Illinois. With the guidance of our instructor, Jan Brooks, and her connections in South Africa, we all gained a unique experienced that will enhance our education and career performances in the future. At the University of Western Cape, we met with geography professor Dr. Bradley Rink. However, Dr. Rink filled us in on more than the map of Cape Town. He opened our eyes to mobility and its role in discrimination throughout history. I...
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